Saturday, December 23, 2006

Collaborative Progress

Another collaborator has sent in their section of The Blind Collaborators today. Getting closer to completion...

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Making the Job Worthwhile

I've had a few emails from around the world regarding my reviews, and links to the reviews, quotes from or copies of them have appeared on various author's websites and on It's nice to know that people are reading them and appreciate them. This comment was particularly gratifying:

For a writer new to the scene, it's an unusual sort of thrill to see my work commented on for the first time in a public format.

That's the very reason I decided to start reviewing: because I know how much it means to an author to get feedback - especially positive - on something you've written.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Upper Second

My final Open University course results arrived today. After 6 years part time study I've completed my BSc in Environmental Studies, with upper 2nd class honours.

The relief is overwhelming.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Progress on Three Items

News today that two more of my reviews are now on-line at SF UK Review. You can read my opinions of Scheherazade #28 and Jupiter #14 there. There's also news of a new UK SF mag due to launch next year entitled Murky Depths. I think it's going to start getting difficult keeping up with all the reviews.

Meanwhile the reprint of A Feast of Eyes has been accepted by Static Movement for their February invitation-only issue. I'm looking forward to seeing the illustration to go with it.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Results Pending

The final results of my degree in Environmental Studies are due on Friday. After six years it's nearly over!

Meanwhile I'm waiting for 6 stories and reviews to be published, 7 editors to respond to story submissions and 3 collaborators to send me their parts of our collaborative story.

Writing is 1% typing and 99% waiting.

Friday, December 08, 2006


Laura Hird has accepted two of my reviews for her website. The
Laura Hird website contains reviews of dozens of literary magazines and is widely read. My reviews of Forgotten Worlds #5 and PostScripts #8 will appear in the next issue. Meanwhile my Jupiter #14 and Scheherazade #28 reveiws should appear on UK SF Review this weekend.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

By Invitation Only

On-line SF zine Static Movement, who published my story The Last Adam earlier this year, are planning a special invitation-only issue for February, that will feature illustrations for all of the stories. And guess who's been invited to contribute? Correct.

I love writing stories! :0)

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Three Anniversaries

This week is my tenth wedding anniversary, so we went away for a long weekend to the beautiful city of Bath. While I was away I neglected to update the blog on Friday, when it celebrated its first anniversary. Of course, this blog was started on the anniversary of the publication of my first story, so it's now two years that my work has been appearing on line.
The past year I've had less stories published than my first year. That's partly becasue it was the final year of my degree studies, which kept me very busy, and because most of the spare time I had was spent on my novel rather than short stories.
So, on to another year, and we'll see what transpires...


I discovered today that I had unmoderated comments dating back months, waiting for me to approve. I didn't realise they were there as I'd omitted to fill in my email address to notify me. So for those people who have posted comments, sorry - I wasn't ignoring you! I've now posted those comments, while deleting some spam, and set it up properly so it shouldn't happen again.