Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Paralelismos Out Now

My Spanish short story collection Paralelismos is out now as a free ebook, with an introduction by Santiago Eximeno.

Monday, December 30, 2013

A Year of Writing

In terms of sales and publications, 2013 has been my most successful yet, though certainly not my most prolific. In terms of writing I’ve done pretty well too.

I’ve written 8 stories this year – 5 of them flash fiction and 7 of them in the first half of the year. I wrote Hiking in My Head in January and it was published in Daily Science Fiction in August. Ode to an Earthworm was completed in May and published in Looking Landwards in October. The book launch for Looking Landwards at BristolCon was my first, in which I sat on the platform and talked about my story, as well as signing 100 sheets for the limited hardback edition. The others stories are still biding their time, or being edited. From April onwards I concentrated on my novel Galaxy’s Game and wrote 60,000 words to complete it in December.

In total I’ve had 4 semi-pro and 2 professional publications this year, along with 3 more appearances for The Gondolier, in Serbian, German and Ligurian. The year was rounded off nicely with the sale of The Sound of Death to IGMS, due out in the spring.

Meanwhile I’ve collected together my 10 stories that have appeared in Spanish and with permissions from the various translators put them together into an e-book that should be ready to launch early in the new year.

So another half dozen short stories are queuing up to be written, one novel is several thousand words in, several more novels are suggesting themselves to me. Looks like 2014 could be pretty busy!

Monday, December 23, 2013

Review of Anthology of European SF - Romanian Translation

My review of the Anthology of European SF, published earlier this year in SF Crowsnest, has been translated into Romanian for SRSFF, the Romanian fantasy and SF website.

The anthology included stories translated into English, so it's only fitting that the review is translated back out of English!

Monday, December 09, 2013

Galaxy's Game Complete

Weighing in at 105,000 words, Galaxy's Game is finally complete. It was the first novel I started writing, and the third to be completed.


Friday, December 06, 2013

Spanish Collection Cover and Title

I've almost finished work on my Spanish short story colection, which wil be called Paralelismos, after one of the stories. Here's the cover, featuring the artwork Last Man Standing by John D Stanton that first appeared alongside my story The Last Adam in Static Movement magazine. The translation of that story is also included in the collection.

Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Story Sale to IGMS

I'm exceedingly excited to anounce that my 6300 word alien detective story The Sound of Death has been bought by Orson Scott Card's Intergalactic Medicine Show, aka IGMS. I love the character and setting I've created for this story and reallly want to write more in the same world. No publication date confirmed for this yet, but probably next spring.

Monday, December 02, 2013

The Lighthouse Keeper

Issue #9 of Plasma Frequency magazine is out now, containing my Welsh SF story The Lighthouse Keeper. I had the idea for this story several years ago while visiting South Stack lighthouse on Anglesey.