Monday, January 24, 2022

Five Ways to Greece

 After my new story Five Ways to Accidentally Save the Earth from Alien Conquest was published in ParSec magazine in December and then the Galician translation appeared in Nova Fantasia in January, it has now also been accepted by Greek magazine Ef-Zin and will appear in the next issue in July.

Sunday, January 23, 2022

The Gondolier in Korean

 Up to now I don't have any stories published in Korean, but my chapter on Waste Management in Science Fiction is included in the book Putting the Science in Fiction, which has been published in Korean. Here's The Gondolier in its 53rd language:


가레스 디 존스

내 곤돌라의 검은 색 배회물은 운하의 잔잔한 물 사이를 부드럽게 자릅니다. 매끄러운 공예를 제공했다 나만,몇 년 동안 수행하는 승객을 통해 도시의 수에서도 여러 세대에 걸친 나의 참는다.

태양은 고대 도시 위에 세워져 우아한 사암 건물 사이의 더러워진 리본 선으로 물 위를 향하게했습니다. /시원한 저녁 바람을 깊이 호흡,

이 놀라운 운하의 도시보다 더 아름다운 곳이 있었습니까? 보트가 계류로 완화되면서 나는 화성의 어두워지는 하늘로 위로 만족과 함께 시선을 멈추었다.




Tuesday, January 11, 2022

The Gondolier in Japanese

 To start the year off, here's one of my new translations of The Gondolier:



私のゴンドラの黒い船首は、運河の穏やかな海を通ってスムーズに切断しました。 洗練された工芸品は、長年にわたって私によく役立っていた、私の祖先の世代の指導の手の下 で街の水路を通って乗客を運んだ。

太陽は古代都市の上に沈んでいて、優雅な砂岩の建物の間の真っ黒なリボンラインに水を回し ていました。 /涼しげな夜の風を深く吸い込んだ",

この不思議な運河の街よりも美しい場所はありましたか? ボートが係留に楽になったので、私は火星の暗くなる空に満足して凝視するのを止めました。 



Wednesday, January 05, 2022

Delightful Review

 SF Revu has the first review I've seen of ParSec #2 and calls my story Five Ways to Accidentally Save the Earth from Alien Conquest 'Hilarious and a delight.' 

Which is delightful.

Tuesday, January 04, 2022

Five Galician Ways

 The Galician translation of Five Ways to Accidentally Save the Earth from Alien Conquest is up today at Nova Fantasia. I think this is the quickest I've ever had a translation published after the original English original.

Saturday, January 01, 2022

Englebert in Greece

 First day of the year and first story of the year: the Greek translation of Englebert appears today in issue #40 of Ef-Zin magazine. I last appeared in this magazine in issue #15 in 2009.

This is my 6th story in Greek and is the fifth language for Englebert, after English, Hungarian, Vietnamese and Romanian.