Monday, September 30, 2019

Book Review: The New Voices of Science Fiction edited by Hannu Rajaniemi & Jacob Weisman

The editors, Hannu Rajaniemi and Jacob Weisman, of this new anthology, The New Voices Of Science Fiction have set out to present the new, up-and-coming authors who they expect to see more of in the coming years. Some of them are names I’m already familiar with and others are completely new to me.

Read the rest of my review at SF Crowsnest.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Squirrels, Foxes and Other Hungarian Specimens

The Hungarian translation of my story Squirrels, Foxes and Other Fine Specimens is out now in Galaktika #355.

Originally published in the Escape Pod podcast, it is also due to be published in Romanian.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Book Review: World Science Fiction #1 edited by Francesco Verso

At a panel on translated fiction at the Dublin WorldCon, Francesco Verso was very passionate about creating opportunities for more Science Fiction from around the world to be translated into English and between numerous other languages. I met him briefly afterwards in the dealer hall. He is the founder of Future Fiction, an Italian organisation devoted to translating Science Fiction into Italian and numerous languages into English. World Science Fiction #1 is the first anthology of international Science Fiction published in English by Future Fiction.

Read the rest of my review at SF Crowsnest.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Squirrels, Foxes and Other Romanian Specimens

I'm very pleased to anounce that my short story Squirrels, Foxes and other Fine Specimens has been accepted by Romanian magazine Helion SF. This will be my second story in Romanian, following my ubiquitous flash fiction tale The Gondolier several years back.

Squirrels etc. was first published on the podcast Escape Pod and this will be its first translation.

Tuesday, September 03, 2019

Book Review: Spaceside by Michael Mammay

Michael Mammay’s debut novel Planetside was highly addictive and very impressive. It introduced us to Colonel Carl Butler, who was sent to investigate the disappearance of a counsellor’s son on far Cappa Three. The fallout of that mission forms the background to Spaceside, in which Butler is back home on Talca 4, in a corporate security job, having been quietly retired from the military.

Read the rest of my review at SF Crowsnest.

Monday, September 02, 2019

Escapades in Galician

My short story Escapades in Time, which was recently podcast at Tall Tale TV, has been accepted for publication by Galician webzine Nova Fantasia. This is my third story in Galician, following Travel by Numbers and The Gondolier several years back.

You can see it here.

Sunday, September 01, 2019

The Gondolier in Danish

While updating my Gondolier-related information after WorldCon, I realised that the Danish translation was never posted here due to an unfortunate oversight. So here it is:


 Den sorte stævn af min gondol skære jævnt gennem den rolige vande af den kanaler. Den slanke håndværk havde tjent mig godt i mange år, udført passagerer gennem den byens vandveje under den vejledende hænder af generationer af min forgængere.

      Den solen var indstillingen over den antikke stad, drejning den vand til blæk bånd ligget mellem elegante sandsten bygninger. Jeg åndede dybt af den køligt aften brise.

      Var der enhver sted smukkere end dette vidunderligt sted af kanaler? Som den båd lettet indvendig dens fortøjning jeg stoppede til blik med tilfredshed op til den mørkfarvning luften af Mars.

Translated by Olåf Spilka