Sunday, August 25, 2019

The Gondolier in Klingon

As premiered at WorldCon last week, here's the Klingon translation of The Gondolier, translated by Alan Anderson of the Klingon Language Institute.

bIQtIq pargh bIQ beb jot SIj ra'wI' DujwIj 'et qIj.

qaStaHvIS DIS law' mutoy'chu' Dujvam vaQ.

qaStaHvIS puq poH law' veng bIQtIq tawDaq raQpo'pu' lupmeH luDevta' no'wI' ghopDu' po'.

veng tIQ DungDaq ghIrlI' jul 'ej wovHa'choH chal.

nagh qachmey 'IH jojDaq qoSta' Hurghqu' moj bIQ.

tlhom SuS bIr vItlhuHchu'.

nuqDaq 'IH law' bIQtIq taw vengvam Dun 'IH puS?

QIt verghpu'pa' Duj jIyev 'ej HurghchoHlI'bogh chal vIbej.

muyonmoHbej qo'wIj, Mars.

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