Sunday, March 13, 2022

The Gondolier Reprint: Serbian

The Serbian translation of The Gondolier was originally published at SF-Serbia, but is sadly no longer on line, so here t is again: 

Crni pramac moje gondole je glatko sekao mirne vode kanala. Ta vitka barka me je godinama dobro služila, noseći putnike vodenim putevima grada, vođena rukama generacija mojih predaka.

Sunce je zalazilo nad drevnim gradom, pretvarajući vodu u mastiljavu traku, položenu među elegantne zgrade od peščara. Duboko sam udahnuo sveži večernji povetarac.

Ima li divnijeg mesta od ovog čudesnog grada na kanalima? Dok je brod uklizavao u pristan, stao sam da sa zadovoljstvom pogledam u suton na nebu Marsa.


Thursday, March 10, 2022

Book Review: The Way Spring Arrives and Other Stories edited by Yu Chen and Regina Kanyu Wang

The Way Spring Arrives And Other Stories is a brand-new collection of stories translated from Chinese, with essays and a couple of stories originally written in English thrown into the mix, offers a much broader spectrum of Chinese speculative fiction than the other translations I’ve read in previous years.

Read the rest of my review at SF Crowsnest.