Monday, January 21, 2008

So Much to Read...

Suddenly, I have a veritable pile of reading material. In the non-fiction departiment I'm partway through How to Fossilise your Hamster, with Palin's New Europe waiting to go next. Meanwhile I'm reading Jack Vance's The Grey Prince while Big Planet awaits, both fresh from a well-known on-line auction site, and also in the post came a brand new copy of Jack McDevitt's A Talent for War that I bought after thoroughly enjoying Polaris recently. The first of the Foundation prequels also awaits, though having read the Dune prequels I'm a bit cautious of the possible desecration of a classic. Any advice on that one? Finally, a Frederick Pohl book who's title escapes me at the moment; it's from the VGSF Classics imprint though, and they haven't let me down yet.

1 comment:

dan said...

ooh, A Talent For War is aces. If you haven't read it yet, I'd also recommend McDevitt's The Engines Of God - a great book which prefigured the current space opera revival by a couple of years