Monday, April 28, 2008

Illuminations Reviewed

Our flash fiction anthology Illuminations has been reviewed at The Fix.

It's a mixed review that amazingly comments on every story in the book. Here are a couple of comments on my stories:

The “Frozen” scene described in this tale contains intriguing elements. I’m not sure I understand the mechanisms at work, but I’m also unsure that was essential for the story’s effect. The idea of capturing a moment in time seems particularly appropriate for this length of work, and as such, I found it successful.

The “Delayed Reaction” of the “biolithic creature” at the heart of this uber-flashy flash has some far-reaching and unexpected consequences. The creature’s reaction may be delayed, but the reader’s pleasant reaction to this well-realized bit of fiction should be immediate.

I was pleased with those comments - out of all my stories those are probably the two most thoughtful that I've written. They're not necessarily my favourites; others are just fun.

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