Friday, July 24, 2009

Friday Flash Anniversary II

It's 2 years this week since I joined the Flash Fictioneers and started regularly posting flash fiction on Fridays. I've not actually done much of that this year, with only 2 new stories, both near the begining of the year:

I've also posted several translations during the year, which you can find listed on the left-hand sidebar.

Many of my earlier stories have received a second chance during the year. Six translations have been published in various magazines, and eight have been reprinted in English. I'm expecting another five translations and two reprint later this year as well as a comic strip adaptation. Flash fiction has definately been a great way to get lots of ideas onto paper and out to the world.


Anonymous said...

Two year? Crikey time flies.

Hope you're well.


GLP said...

Tempus fugit.

I've put some anniversary flash on my site.